Monday, August 16, 2010

How to set color of my computer to 32 bit?

Hello My windows is windows xp service pack 2.i want to set my color to 32 driver is intel(R)82815 Graphics controller.I can only set my computer to 16 bit or 24 bit.I don't know is it a problem of my processor,video card or computer is x86 based pc. i had collected this information from system information tell me what should i do.How to set color of my computer to 32 bit?
reinstall graphics card

right click on black space on desktop-%26gt;properties-%26gt; settings-%26gt;then select 32 bit under Color Quuality. Press Ok.

You are done.

Make sure that graphics card is perfectly installed- I guess this is not properly installedHow to set color of my computer to 32 bit?
Possibly, sounds as if you do not have the correct driver for your video card, (possibly a generic driver). Take a look and the card and grab the correct driver from the manufacturers website, that should resolve your issue.

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