Monday, August 16, 2010

How & what hard/software do I need to burn hi def & regular DVDs from same SD card in my 1080 digital videocam?

I have a Kodak PlaySport videocam that records in 720 and 1080. I want to be able to burn the same recorded event on regular DVD's for family with non-Blu Ray players and Hi Def DVD's for my Blu Ray player. I need end to end direction from the recording onto the SD memory card to the DVD, including some ability to edit before burning. I even want to know if my VISTA based PC with 4 gb of Ram is sufficient. I do have a built in DVD burner, but it's not a Hi Def burner. As a side note, Kodak said I can watch my video in Hi Def on my computer even if I don't have a hi def monitor, but that doesn't make sense. I do have Hi Def TV's and the DVD players to watch in regular and Hi Def. I will happily accept suggested hardware brands/models or software titles you good folks might recommend I look into. I've heard horror stories about trying to burn in Blu Ray, but I'm guessing that's the only format I can burn for Hi Def. I also know my camera records in MOV format, which means on top of everything else, I have to convert that format before I can burn anything. But then another question would be do I edit before Mov conversion or after since my camera comes with ArcSoft software for minor editing which I assume also allows me to view the MOV format as a video on my computer.How %26amp; what hard/software do I need to burn hi def %26amp; regular DVDs from same SD card in my 1080 digital videocam?
I recommed you to use Leawo Free DVD Creator I think it is the easiest software to burn video to dvd i have ever tried.You can find Leawo Free DVD Creator here:;newwindow=1%26amp;q=leawo+dvd+creator%26amp;aq=f%26amp;aqi=g2%26amp;oq=

It must can help you, good luck!

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